In recent years, there has been increasing research into how our diet affects not only our health but also our beauty, especially our skin, hair, nails and anti-aging. But what are the nutrients that help us stay young and beautiful, and in which foods are they found?
First of all, the two most anti-aging vitamins are vitamins A and C, due to their antioxidant action that destroys free oxygen radicals and prevents aging and the formation of wrinkles. Vitamin A, is referred to in all anti-aging creams by the name of its active ingredient as retinol, retinal or retinoic acid. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps maintain healthy skin cells, increases the thickness of the skin and regulates sebum secretion. We find it in all fatty foods, such as full-fat dairy products, offal, butter. With its precursor form, which are carotenoids, we find it in fruits and vegetables with a bright green or orange color, such as green leaves, broccoli, parsley as well as sweet potato, sweet pumpkin, apricot, carrot, peach as well as in exotic fruits papaya, mango and yam.
The vitamin C found in all cosmetics in the form of serum (serum) and helps to tone the skin, reducing dullness and discoloration, contributes to the synthesis of collagen and elastin as well as protects against the premature appearance of wrinkles. It is found in citrus fruits, tomatoes, colorful peppers, kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, parsley and peach.
Very important for healthy hair and nail growth are the B vitamins, especially biotin (B6). These are found in most food supplements on the market, related to strengthening the skin, hair and nails. These are water-soluble vitamins, which are not stored in the body, and we often experience a deficiency in them. Rich sources of them are whole grains, legumes and animal foods.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, suitable for lubrication, hydration and regeneration or healing of the skin after exposure to sunlight. This property makes it an essential ingredient in all beauty products that concern the hydration of hair, skin and nails, which is why we find it in hair creams, body and nail oils. In foods we find it in all vegetable oils, avocado, nuts, shrimp, sweet potato and in all fatty sources.
At the same time, omega-3 fatty acids form the basis of skin membranes, help with dryness, firmness, elasticity of the skin and prevent gradual aging. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in the so-called "good" - beneficial fats in foods, such as oily fish, fish oils (more famously cod liver oil), green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds.
Furthermore, zinc, in collaboration with B vitamins, helps in the growth and strengthening of hair and nails, as well as skin health. Good sources of it are animal foods, especially seafood, beef, poultry, and nuts, especially walnuts.
Finally, iron is an essential component of all beauty supplements. It is responsible for the hardness of hair and nails. In case of iron deficiency (iron deficiency), one of the first symptoms is hair loss and cheilitis (cracked lips). Bivalent iron, found in foods of animal origin (liver, beef, eggs), is better absorbed than plant-based iron, found in legumes, vegetables and nuts.
In conclusion, through a balanced diet we can take care of our skin, hair and nails and, more generally, our beauty and well-being.
Clinical dietician, MSc., PhDc.