Better quality of life for all
Kalokairi Kai Diatrofi
Summer has arrived and most of us are having difficulty resisting summer food temptations or maintaining a balanced diet.


The first thing we should keep in mind is to protect ourselves from high temperatures as much as possible nutritionally. We should consume cool, not frozen, liquids, which can include cold water, unsweetened tea, natural fruit juices, and low-fat milk.


Furthermore, consuming fruits rich in water such as watermelon, cantaloupe and citrus fruits and/or vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, mushrooms and green leafy vegetables can provide us with sufficient hydration. Particular attention is needed with salt, where the amounts of sodium lost should be replenished, especially in people with increased sweating. It would be advisable to avoid intense physical activity, especially in hours with high temperatures, large and high-fat meals and high alcohol consumption, which causes dehydration.


At the same time, another issue that concerns us during the summer months is the snacks we can eat on the beach and what we should choose to eat for the meal that follows after swimming.


After we have eaten a balanced breakfast, on the beach we can have raw or dried fruit, cereal bars, nuts, rice crackers or breadsticks with us as a snack, which will fill us up until the main meal time without burdening us with too many calories.


Of course, when it comes to consuming these snacks, moderation is key. In general, we try to improve the quality of our breakfast and lunch, so that we can be more nutritionally free at our main meals.


When ordering at the taverna by the sea, we should follow some basic tips in order to enjoy our food without regretting it later. It would be a good idea to ask for our order to come all at once, and not first the appetizers and later the main courses.


We always start our meal by eating a salad, which is rich in fiber, and will slightly prevent us from consuming large quantities of other appetizers. It will also give us vitamins and antioxidants. We choose grilled fish or seafood instead of fried ones.


We consume alcohol in moderation, 1-2 glasses, with simultaneous consumption of water, even after spending a long time in the sun. For dessert, we choose fruit salad or some fruit sorbet ice cream, which is more refreshing and provides fewer calories.


Finally, another delightful temptation of the holidays is cocktails, a summer habit with a lot of calories! The more ingredients a cocktail has, the more calories it has. For this reason, it would be good to avoid those that contain liqueurs and creamy drinks as well as those that contain soft drinks with sugar or syrups. Alternatively, we prefer cocktails with fresh fruit juices, carbonated water or tonic.


Non-alcoholic cocktails can be a satisfactory option, although many of them also contain sugar or syrups. Another alternative is light beers (from 0-5% alcohol) or sangria or dry white wine. Of course, we should also limit and/or avoid salty snacks that accompany alcohol, such as chips, nuts, crackers.


And don't forget that during the holidays, it's important to rest mentally and physically, enjoy company, and try new flavors to return in a better mood so you can redefine your nutritional goals!


Happy summer to everyone!






Eirini Kontopidoy
Irene Kontopidou
Clinical dietician, MSc., PhDc.
Academic Head of the Dietetics Department of the Metropolitan College of Thessaloniki