Quitting smoking is for some people one of the hardest things they have ever done. This is because smoking is not a bad habit as it is often reported. It is an addiction, because nicotine is a very powerful addictive agent that modifies the smoker's behavior and "dominates" his choices. However, millions of people around the world have quit. That is, it is possible. And anyone can!!
To cut it one needs preparation and strategy. The main thing he needs to clarify is his motivations. Why does he want to quit smoking? To think and have a clear picture of the reason or reasons he wants to cut. Does he want to be healthier? To protect his family? Don't waste money? Is it something he or others who care want?
If there is no clear reason it is time to ask and answer some questions:
What do I dislike about smoking? What do I lose when I smoke? How does smoking affect my health? What will happen to me and my family if I continue to smoke? How will my life improve if I stop smoking?
When everyone comes up with their own reasons, they should think about them daily and actively remind themselves of them. It will give him the inspiration, courage and perseverance he needs to quit smoking once and for all.
So you want to be, feel and look healthy? Here are some facts worth thinking about:
Your chances of getting cancer, heart attack, stroke, cataracts and many other diseases are reduced.
You will be less prone to respiratory diseases (flu, colds, viruses) and you will recover much faster when you get sick, you will breathe easier and cough less, blood pressure will decrease, skin will look healthier and brighter and with fewer wrinkles, younger, teeth and nails will not be yellow.
In conclusion, quitting smoking will help you feel incomparables better and you will improve your health. But there are many other reasons worth thinking about.
Would you be interested in a better way of life? To have more money available for things you want, for your favorite hobby, to have more time with your family, to catch up with your work? Don't worry when and where you will be able to smoke again, enjoy the taste of food, your clothes smell nice, your house, car, children don't smell of smoke, be able to smell the food, the flowers, the beautiful ambient smells? Would you like your family life to be better?
Could your children have a better role model parent?
It takes strength to quit smoking, and that's what you'll teach your children! Your children, family, friends, partners, loved ones will feel proud of you! You will protect children, family, friends from the dangers of passive smoking, your children will have better health, you will have more energy to do things you want and love with your family and friends. You will be healthy and live long enough to share special joys with your family.
Make a list of everything that is important to you in order to stop smoking. Keep the list in a place where you see it often, like in the car, or where you leave your cigarettes. When you feel the urge to smoke, take a look at the list and remind yourself why you want to quit smoking.
So after you have clarified the reasons why you want to stop smoking, the second step is to understand why you have the need to smoke. We will deal with this topic next time.