Better quality of life for all
Stoxoi Realistikoi Kai Epiteyksimoi

Very often we desire things and situations that have nothing to do with our everyday lives and are impossible to achieve.


Buying a house or an expensive car, a long trip or a long vacation are just a few examples of goals that are a dream for most people. And they are usually unfulfilled dreams if the necessary financial means and proper planning are not available.


And what is proper planning? Small steps that we can easily take and will bring us faster to our big goal. But these must be feasible to achieve.


For example, if we want to take a long trip, we should define in smaller goals where we want to go and how much it will cost. These are two goals that we can easily reach by searching the internet.


Immediately after that, we can calculate the time when we will go. If we have the financial means, we can leave as soon as we find tickets, if not, we will have to define as sub-goals the ways that will bring us the money to fulfill our goal (savings, second job, loan, etc.) and calculate when we will be ready.


In a similar way of small steps, we tackle anything that prevents us from reaching our goal.


With small, realistic and achievable goals, we can make a dream a reality. Otherwise, it will always remain a dream lost in “I can’t”, “what if..” and "this is not for me".


At My New Way Of Life We show the way to make dreams come true.


Θεολόγου Χριστίνα
Christina Theologou
Health and Wellness Coach