Better quality of life for all
How many times during the day do we postpone our various activities, whether simple without particular importance or important ones that set us back days, weeks, months, years;

Procrastination is a brake on any kind of growth.

By constantly postponing our planned tasks we fail to reach our ultimate goal and realize our dreams.

We also lack stability and discipline in our lives which are key factors for growth in any field. (health, relationships, professional, etc.)

But what are the reasons we procrastinate?

  • The fear: Many people fear that they will not be able to complete a task they have undertaken or that they will not have the best possible result. The truth is that if we don't try we don't know what we can achieve. And on the other hand, if a task has been accomplished by even one person, then so can we.
  • Waiting for the right moment: We constantly procrastinate waiting for the right moment. When I will have money, when the children will grow up, when I will have my own house and other such occasions hold us back from living the life of our dreams, while the right time never comes because there is always an excuse.
  • Lack of time: When we don't have a proper organization of our priorities and our tasks we often feel stressed and constantly put off tasks that we think take a lot of time and effort to finish.
  • Boredom: Many times we postpone something because we consider it boring and meaningless at that particular moment when it is really important for the implementation of another task.


But whatever the reason for the procrastination, the result is one and very important for our course:

We can't reach our goal whatever it is and we can't rise to the next level if we don't get past where we are today.

So if we realize that we are procrastinating initially we should understand the reason and deal with it. And if we find this difficult we can think about what we are losing with this attitude and what we will gain by completing our activities.

As difficult as it may seem at times, when we reach our goal we understand how strong we are and ready for the next challenge.

If the process of realizing your goals seems difficult and impossible, but you are ready for the next step, our experts are at your



Θεολόγου Χριστίνα
Christina Theologou
Health and Wellness Consultant