Our goals can be big, difficult and long-term. These are usually the reasons we leave them disappointed and go back to where we started.
The fact that we get out of our comfort zone, i.e. we change our everyday life (things and situations that we know, have accepted and do not stress us) is already a very big step towards achieving the goal. To continue with undiminished interest, the next steps should be small and easy.
For example, athletes whose goal is the gold medal would not achieve anything without long-term planned training sessions that become more numerous and demanding as they get closer to the goal.
Correspondingly, a person who wants to reduce his weight by many kilos cannot do it without a proper diet that will make it a way of life step by step. Any exhausting diet, as we know, leads to a short regain of weight.
If someone wants to follow a profession that he does not know, he will certainly be more successful if, as a first step, he organizes his training and acquires relevant experience.
Of course, this process can include many and different stages for everyone. New goals can complement previous ones and bring us closer to completion.
What we wish to achieve and what we wish to change is a purely personal matter.
THE My New Way Of Life shows the way and recommends experts to help every step of the way.