Better quality of life for all
Love Yourself
Are you one of those people who wake up every morning, drink a coffee and run from job to job?


Activities, shopping, home, food, TV, sleep and all over again?


You wait for the holidays and the holidays to relax and sleep a little more but as soon as Sunday night comes you realize that it wasn't enough.


The truth is that most hours of the day we live mechanically. We take off in the morning and try to finish all the obvious things that will help us close another day.


Usually, in fact, we do not realize all the functions we do and often forget them. (Where are my keys? Did I get bread? I sent it email?) We get lost in the routine and cannot see ourselves.


At My New Way Of Life we take our time and look at ourselves from a distance. This is how we better see his external and internal characteristics, his interests, what he has been through and what he has achieved and understand who he really is without judging him.


We are thus preparing for new challenges, stronger and ready than ever.





Θεολόγου Χριστίνα
Christina Theologou
Health and Wellness Consultant