Few people have it all: health, home, food, love, security, money, success, fulfillment.
Nowadays we are consumed by a constant and exhausting race, a routine that is usually very far from what we really want.
Trapped in work and activities, we blame others and accept the situation we are living in as normal, no matter how much we don't like it.
So we leave what we really want for later: when I have more money, when the children are older, when I am ready or when I retire, when better times come, and so on.
We come to terms with the few free hours we usually spend watching television and social media who rarely have anything good to offer us, while depriving us of real communication with people, health, love, personal growth and fulfillment.
And somewhere here comes the question: Is this the life I want to live?
If the answer is yes, then I can, from the comfort of my couch, continue to blame others for what I experience and never take my life into my own hands.
If the answer is no, then it's time to decide what I want, to let go of what's holding me back, and I aim to make my dreams come true.
Age, financial, family, professional status, past choices, and any other excuses are irrelevant. All that is needed is the strong desire for everything we want and the belief that we can achieve it.
Her team My New Way Of Life is here to help you decide and achieve a new, better lifestyle with small, achievable steps that will make the process of change a pleasant experience.
Health and Wellness Coach