Better quality of life for all
Eli Ilianthoy Meli Grammenos My New Way Of Life
The sunflower is a flowering plant found in the summer months, it produces rich honey and its color is blond. It has a rich flavor and light texture, while it crystallizes within 1-2 months.


Nutritional value per 100g



Calories: 304

Sodium: 4 mg

Potassium: 52 mg

Carbohydrates: 82 g

Fiber: 0.2 g

Sugar: 82 g

Protein: 0.3g

Vitamin C: 0.5 mg

Calcium: 6 mg

Iron: 0.4 mg

Magnesium: 2 mg



Benefits for the organization



  • It has tonic and beneficial properties.
  • Estrengthens the immune system.
  • Recommended for heart disease.
  • Helps the digestive system function properly.
  • Piprotects cells from free radicals.
  • EIt has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
  • DIt gives energy.





Meli Grammenos Promo Card