But I want to refer to the myths that exist about cigarettes and smoking because these myths maintain and strengthen the beliefs in favor of it and expand the base of smokers. Let's look at them one by one.
Cigarettes are a pleasure/ I like them
It is extremely difficult to cut something that you find enjoyable! But let's look at the other side of the story. Remember the first time you smoked. You liked it; Was it enjoyable? Most smokers remember a bitter, hot, disgusting taste that made them dizzy, nauseous and upset. Is this a treat? What the smoker mistakes for pleasure is nicotine dependence and the withdrawal syndrome that occurs when they have time to smoke and are relieved by smoking.
Cigarettes calm me down, help me when I'm stressed
Most smokers feel that the cigarette calms them down and so they continue to smoke. But is this true? The smoker's brain needs nicotine to raise its dopamine levels and feel good and relaxed. When nicotine is broken down, dopamine levels fall below normal and this causes discomfort, anxiety and irritability. When he smokes again, the nicotine relieves him of those feelings caused by the withdrawal syndrome, which is caused by the nicotine itself.
I smoke a little, it doesn't hurt me
The truth is that there is no safe limit to the number of cigarettes. Nicotine is also an addictive substance and addiction means increasing the factor to get the same pleasure.
Instead of cutting it I will reduce it
As we mentioned above, there is no safe limit to the number of cigarettes. Every time cigarette smoke comes into contact with a living cell it causes some kind of damage. Even occasional smoking can cause harm and lead to addiction.
Smoke light cigarettes, I'm safer
The lung is meant to take in air to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide from the body. Anything else causes damage to his cells. Also the processing of light of cigarettes can burden the body with different chemical elements.
I can cut it whenever I want!
But he can't! Nicotine takes over the smoker's brain and controls his behavior. The cigarette becomes important and necessary for the smoker. So he can't quit whenever he wants because his behavior is affected by nicotine. Only a small percentage of smokers manage to quit smoking and maintain the behavior for a long time.
It's very hard to cut
No it is not! Thousands of smokers have quit! The things that someone who quit smoking feels, namely discomfort, difficulty concentrating, irritability, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, are maximized in the first week of quitting and then decrease more and more as the smoker moves away from the last cigarette. With help these symptoms become manageable.
I don't smoke, vape or heat a cigarette
Although both vapor and heated cigarettes have less harmful chemicals than conventional cigarettes, the lung is meant to receive air to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide from the body. Anything else causes damage to his cells. Also nicotine is present and so is addiction! Gradually vaping leads to smoking and the heated ones keep the smoker tied to the consumption of tobacco products.
The way out of all the dilemmas, the risks to our health, the bad aesthetic image and smell of cigarettes, the bad role model for our children is for the smoker to stop smoking. A hardship of a few days is worth it for the freedom from all that but also the freedom of choices!