Better quality of life for all
Peri Ygeias Kai Eyeksias (1)
Health is considered the most basic good of all people.

- Let's have our health!

-Health above all!

-Health ..and everything else we fight.

They are just a few of the expressions we use every day to express what we desire.

Of course, we remain in the desire and the wish without thinking about what we have done until today and what we will do from tomorrow for this much-desired health.

Many of our daily activities take a significant toll on our health both knowingly and unknowingly.

In order to acquire and maintain it, we need to pay attention to our body and our choices.

By Health we mean a life without diseases and physical problems. But this is not the definition of the good life. So in order to have health and a good life we should examine and correct our choices regarding:


  • Nutrition-hydration: From personal experience I can guarantee that the wrong diet can even pin a person to bed with unbearable pain, sleepiness and many other bad feelings.


On the contrary, proper nutrition and hydration can give incredible energy, freedom of movement, positive emotions, and even faster healing of diseases.


The experts will show us which type of diet is right and which is wrong with a general plan or a specific plan for each individual.


  • Exercise: We all agree that even with short-term and intense exercise, we feel our body "unwind", i.e. become lighter and more flexible. Of course we are not talking about endless hours in the gym with complicated fitness equipment, (which are very good and effective for those who do or want to do sports intensively). Even an afternoon walk has many benefits for a sedentary person.


  1. Physical: Improves body functions as a mild form of exercise.
  2. Psychological: It changes the mood and relieves the stress of everyday life.
  3. Social: Helps to communicate with other people.


  • In rest-relaxation and quality sleep: According to the experts, rest and relaxation are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, initially with quality sleep during the night but also with a few minutes of relaxation breaks and cessation of activities during the day .


The results are evident in mood as well as endurance and calmness.


  • In entertainment-entertainment: Necessary factors for a good life whether we mean a board game with the family, coffee with friends at home, eating out, theater/cinema, excursions/travels, nature walks, engaging in favorite activities and in general anything that changes our everyday life and offers us pleasant feelings and fulfillment.


So by identifying with the help of experts where we are today and where we want to reach, with small daily steps we can conquer both health and the good life. After all, this is what every person deserves.





Θεολόγου Χριστίνα
Health and Wellness Consultant