Better quality of life for all
Although its official name is Theobroma Cacao, the meaning of the word is completely different from what we might hear. The word Theobroma comes from the words God and food, which means that cocoa is the "food of the Gods".

The history of cacao originally begins in South America, where the ancient Maya, Aztecs and Olmecs cultivated cacao thousands of years ago. Ancient peoples regarded cocoa as a precious gift from the gods and used it in ritual and religious celebrations.


Cacao was introduced to Europe by the Spanish during the Discovery of the Americas and quickly became popular as a drink. Subsequently, cocoa began to be used in various forms such as chocolate, cocoa powder, chocolate desserts and many other confections.


Today, cocoa has become one of the most popular delectable sweets around the world and is used in many forms and recipes.


Nutritional value per 100g of dry powder


Energy: 228 kcal

Carbohydrates: 57.90 g

of which fiber approximately: 33 g

Fat: 13.70g

Protein: 19.60 g

Calcium: 128 mg

Iron: 13.86 mg

Magnesium: 499 mg

Manganese: 3,837 mg

Phosphorus: 734 mg

Potassium: 1524 mg

Sodium: 21 mg

Zinc: 6.81 mg

Caffeine: 230 mg

Theobromine: 2060 mg


Benefits for the organization



  • It acts against hypertension
  • It enhances heart health
  • Improves Type 2 Diabetes symptoms
  • It fights inflammation
  • It has an antioxidant effect
  • Improves mood
  • It strengthens the immune system
  • It relieves cough
  • It has anti-cancer properties











Sources: Powerfoods