Better quality of life for all
Cranberries My New Way of Life
Cranberries are considered superfood due to their high nutritional value. Cranberries or cranberries are a fruit of the mulberry group and look like the helmet. It is cultivated in central and northern Europe, some of its varieties are cultivated in the northern United States, Canada and Chile. Their cultivation for commercial purposes began in the 19th century.

Cranberries are shrubs with thin wiry branches and evergreen foliage while its flowers are dark pink in color. Its fruit, initially, has a green color, while as it ripens, its color becomes red and its taste is acidic.

In our country, fresh cranberries are found in grocery stores that sell exotic fruits and vegetables, while frozen fruits are sold in supermarkets. In America, Canada and Great Britain, cranberry sauce is used as a side dish for turkey at Christmas tables.

Cranberries are traditionally considered to be the cure for UTI

Nutritional value per 100g

Water: 87.3 g

Energy: 46 kcal

Protein: 0.46 g

Carbohydrates: 12 g

of which sugars: 4.27 g

Dietary fiber: 3.6 g

Fat: 0.13 g

Calcium: 8 mg

Iron: 0.23 mg

Magnesium: 6 mg

Potassium: 80 mg

Sodium: 2 mg

Phosphorus: 11 mg

Manganese: 0.267 mg

Zinc: 0.09 mg

Copper: 0.056 mg

Selenium: 0.1 mcg

Choline: 5.5 mg

Folic acid: 1 mcg

Vitamin C: 14 mg

Vitamin B1: 0.012 mg

Vitamin B2: 0.02 mg

Vitamin B3: 0.101 mg

Vitamin B5: 0.295 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.057 mg

Vitamin A: 3 mcg

Vitamin E: 1.32 mg

Vitamin K: 5 mcg

Benefits for the organization


  • They protect against urinary tract infections
  • They reduce inflammation
  • They help the digestive system
  • They help oral health
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect
  • They probably have an anti-cancer effect

