The ginkgo is an ancient plant, the last of the Ginkgo family and the last living link between conifers and ferns. The first ginkgos appeared 270 million years ago, in areas of Asia, Europe and North America. Due to floods and gradual climate change, ginkgo disappeared from North America 7 million years ago and from Europe 2.5 million years ago. Today it is found mainly in areas of southwestern and eastern China, but also in temples in Korea and Japan because of its symbolic importance in Confucianism. The name comes from the Chinese word Ginkyo which means silver apricot.
Its leaves are used for therapeutic purposes, as they contain a number of antioxidant substances and are known as "the herb of memory".
We can get it in capsules, tablets, tincture or dried form to make tea.
Benefits for the organization
- It helps the brain
- keeps the eyes strong
- Stimulates libido
- Strengthens the hair
- It prevents aging
- Protects the skin
- It's good for the blood
- It enhances memory
- It helps to deal with psychological symptoms
Gingko biloba is a relatively tolerable herb. But doctors recommend avoiding it by people suffering from hypertension, epilepsy, blood clotting disorders, by people taking anti-diabetic treatment or who are about to undergo surgery