Better quality of life for all
The Kale or otherwise cabbage, belongs to the most nutritious plant foods that exist. It is a popular vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family and is related to vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and others.


Cabbage originates from Asia Minor and the eastern Mediterranean where its cultivation dates back to around 2000 BC. while various varieties of cabbage existed in Greece from the 4th century BC. as reported by the Romans. The earliest reference to cabbage in western Europe was made in the 13th century.


For most of the 20th century, cabbage was used primarily in the United States for ornamental purposes, becoming popular in the 1990s for its nutritional value.


Nutritional value per 100g


Calories: 49 kcal

Fats: 0.9 g

Saturated fat: 0.1 g

Carbohydrates: 9 g

Protein: 4.3g

Vitamin C: 120 mg

Calcium: 150 mg

Iron: 1.5 mg

Vitamin B6: 0.3 mg

Magnesium: 47 mg

Sodium: 38 mg

Potassium: 491 mg


Benefits for the organization


  • It prevents diseases
  • Helps bones and muscles
  • Creates saturation
  • It protects the heart
  • It lowers cholesterol
  • It has an anti-cancer effect
  • Helps vision