Better quality of life for all
Zea My New Way Of Life
Zea was one of the most basic foods of the ancient Greeks, although for most of us it is an unknown food, since for many years the cereal did not exist in our country. In 1928 its cultivation began to be gradually banned and by 1932 it was completely abolished in Greece. For thousands of years it remained the main cereal of the Middle East and North Africa. About 5,000 years ago it arrived in Ethiopia and has survived to this day. It has also survived in small-scale production in (ever) Yugoslavia, India, Turkey, Germany, France and elsewhere.


Externally it resembles wheat and thanks to its high nutritional value, it was given the term "food of life". It has been "identified" with einkorn wheat, einkorn wheat, spelled wheat, barley, rye, corn, and maybe other things.


Nutritional value of bread per 100g


Calories: 347 kcal

Carbohydrates: 60 g

Fat: 2g

Proteins: 13 g

Vegetable Fiber: 7 g


Nutritional value of wheat per 100g


Energy: 331 Kcal

Proteins: 12gr.

Fats: 3 gr.

Carbohydrates: 64gr.

Vegetable Fibers: 6gr.

Calcium: 40 mg

Iron: 3.6 mg

Magnesium: 124 mg

Sodium: 2 mg

Zinc: 4.6 mg

Niacin: 8.07 mg


Benefits for the organization


  • It boosts the mood
  • It strengthens the immune system
  • It helps the digestive system
  • It lowers cholesterol
  • Prevents osteoporosis
  • It protects the nervous system
  • It protects the heart
  • It has an antioxidant effect