Better quality of life for all
There are some days when time passes excruciatingly slowly. In difficult situations or when we are waiting for something special, minutes seem like hours and the anxiety peaks.


Other days, time flies by. Even if the day had more hours, there wouldn't be enough to accomplish everything we want to.


What can we do to have time as our ally?


First, let's realize that the day has 24 hours.


Of these 24 hours, it is necessary, according to experts, for the proper functioning of our body and mind to sleep 7. (Either continuous sleep during the night or with breaks at night and noon)


Yes, but I can cope with fewer hours of sleep, one might say.


But endurance is not important. Our goal is not the destruction of the body and mind, but their proper functioning.


Of the 17 hours remaining in our day, we must decide how many we will dedicate to:


In basic functions for us.

  • Our meals
  • Our personal care (exercise, relaxation, coffee, bath)


In necessary functions.

  • Family activities
  • Housework


Necessary functions

  • Work
  • Transportation to and from our activities.


Useless functions

  • Long hours of engagement with Electronic Media and Mass Media without benefit.


Of course, a basic prerequisite for having time as our ally is not to take on more responsibilities than we can accomplish within 24 hours and to keep in mind that something may go wrong since not everything always goes according to plan.




Θεολόγου Χριστίνα
Christina Theologou
Health and Wellness Consultant